Reforma institucional largoplacista
La reforma institucional largoplacista investiga cómo las instituciones pueden representar mejor los intereses de las generaciones futuras en el proceso político.
Tobias Baumann (2020) Representing future generations in the political process, Center for Reducing Suffering, 25 de junio.
Iñigo González-Ricoy & Axel Gosseries (eds.) (2016) Designing Institutions for Future Generations, en Institutions for Future Generations, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3–23.
Aidan Goth & Matt Lerner (2022) Longtermist institutional reform, Founders Pledge, 12 de enero.
Alan M. Jacobs (2011) Governing for the Long Term: Democracy and the Politics of Investment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Alan M. Jacobs (2016) Policy making for the long term in advanced democracies, Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 19, pp. 433–454.
Tyler John (2019) Institutions for future generations, Effective Altruism Forum, 11 de noviembre.
Tyler John (2023) Empowering future people by empowering the young?, en Ageing without Ageism: Conceptual Puzzles and Policy Proposals, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tyler John (2023) ‘Reforma institucional largoplacista’, Altruismo Eficaz.
Natalie Jones, Mark O’Brien & Thomas Ryan (2018) Representation of future generations in United Kingdom policy-making, Futures, vol. 102, pp. 153–163.
Roman Krznaric (2019) Why we need to reinvent democracy for the long-term, BBC Future, 18 de marzo.
William MacAskill (2019) Age-weighted voting, Effective Altruism Forum, 12 de julio.
Catriona McKinnon (2017) Endangering humanity: an international crime?, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 47, pp. 395–415.
Fin Moorhouse & Luca Righetti (2021) Institutions for the long run: taking future generations seriously in government, Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art, vol. 1, pp. 430–437.
Martin Nesbit & Andrea Illés (2015) Establishing an EU “Guardian for future generations”. Report and recommendations for the World Future Council, Institute for European Environmental Policy.
largoplacismo • mejora de la toma de decisiones institucionales • reforma electoral